Bicentennial Park - Alpine Shire Council

Bicentennial Park - Alpine Shire Council
Those of you who have wandered down to the Mount Beauty Regulating Pondage over the past few weeks may have noticed the range of new native plants that have been planted in Bicentennial Park. 

The Park Lane team recently worked with staff from Mount Beauty Multi-Purpose team to revegitate this area, bringing this dynamic meeting spot back to life.

The Alpine Shire Council has partnered with Park Lane over the last seven months on a range of projects across the Alpine Shire. 

This project involved planting over 150 plants, made up of 17 varieties. These particular plants were chosen for a few reasons:

- they are more resilient to fire.
- they highlight the beauty and hardiness of Australian vegetation, with their unique foliage and bright pops of colour.
- they showcase a variety of indigenous foods.

This project was funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) to support communities impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires.

August 28, 2024